
love the new site so far but I'm a bit confused, when at the login page it requests a password, but i was never given one? so i requested a login ling which auto logged me in, and now i can't find anywhere to add or change a password in my account info/profile?

Hi alien_sunset 👋

When you sign up, or use the "forgot password" link you will be sent an email with a link - following that link will show your newly allocated password on the screen.

well, see, that's the problem... I never got an e-mail for signing up, after waiting a while, i gave up and clicked the "i forgot my password" thingy that DID e-mail me, but it just gave me a login link... which did not send me anything related to a password. so i am currently logged into my account (obv) and while here in my account, I can find no way to find let alone change my password, so if i log out.. i will be unable to log in with a password...etc etc etc

If you use the “forgot password” option you should get a emailed link which will provide you a new password.

If other emails (like the login link one) are working, you might need to check your spam/junk folder if you don’t see it 😀

i checked both my "spam" and my "trash" folders and there was nothing, i suspect that e-mails were in fact NOT working but when i requested the link I managed to find a slim window in which they were for a moment, and you should perhaps double check the reliability of your email server.

really, I'm not quite sure why you don't just have a way for people to change their passwords from within their profiles once they are already logged in, that's pretty much the way 99% of all other websites that require login passwords do it, and it seems a bit counter productive to require someone to have to log out, then wait for an e-mail that may or may not arrive just to get to some super sekret reset page just to change their password.

I'll log out and try the request password reset email link again... but frankly this is way more work than is optimal for a simple sign up/sign in.

:: laugh crying ::

I logged out, requested a password, actually got the e-mail...


so instead i once again requested a magic login link to be able to come here and tell you that you system is SO FREAKING BROKEN!

:: laugh crying ::

I logged out, requested a password, actually got the e-mail...


so instead i once again requested a magic login link to be able to come here and tell you that you system is SO FREAKING BROKEN!

I checked the mail logs and all of the emails are delivered to your address correctly, except the initial activation one. I don't have any details on why, except it's retried about 40 times so far with no success. SMTP as a protocol has not changed fundamentally in around 50 years, and it sucks.

Nevertheless, even without the activation link, password resets will still work (I just tested one on an unactivated account).

If you are typing the password manually, suggest you try copy and pasting. If you are copy and pasting, I suggest you try typing it - there have been cases where copy and paste on systems does not work correctly (leading/trailing spaces, other character transformations).

I don't store unencrypted passwords, or log incorrect attempts for obvious reasons, so I cannot ascertain any further information on why the password you are entering is not working.

The inability to set an arbitrary password was a conscious decision to close the door on the leading cause of account compromises - weak or re-used passwords. That decision is not necessarily final, but that is the state as of today.

I suppose that's a reasonable reason, especially when the user base can tend to be a little less than technology friendly (i mean, come on, we are all obsessed with the most old fashioned thing possible - snail mail!)

unfortunately i tried the reset again, both copy paste and manually typing and it still didn't work :(

do i need to wait a while after the e-mail arrives to let the reset take effect before trying the new password?

Nope, it's immediate.

I think I see the problem - there is an inconsistency in the email you entered on signup and the email you are trying to login with - with respect to capitalisation.

I will have to check the rules on possible characters in email addresses to see if I can relax that a bit.

In the meantime if you fix that it I suspect it will work.

I won't be more specific here to avoid compromising your personal details, let me know here if you aren't sure what you used initially and I will email you directly.

OMG! case sensitive e-mails never even occurred to me!

yes it works now!

thank you so much for spending so much time working on my silly issue! I really appreciate it. <3

No problem - I'll add a ticket to at least make that requirement clear in the wording!