When I tried this feature out, it only shows some of the users under the "All profile" list. Not sure if this is intentional or a list. The USA section is missing a handful of people from the main profile list when I click on sort by country.

Hi Onaki 👋

It should load more profiles when you get to the very bottom of the page - if that doesn't work for you please let me know what browser and OS you are using.

I don't appear on the list underneath the USA section. I had multiple people check for me.

Oh I see! Thank you for that. I agree, looks like a bug - will check into it!

Hi Onaki 👋

I think I have squished that bug 🐛 - let me know if you see otherwise!

It works now! All the other missing ones are there as well. Thank you for your hard work. :)

When I click on sort by country NONE of the US people show up.


Hi R2AL, are you scrolling all the way to the bottom? More profiles will load as you scroll to the end.

I just tried and it worked fine. On first load the profile list will stop half-way through the UK profiles (at the moment).

OK, I spoke too soon - I can replicate it sometimes - let me see what I can do 😄

Thanks for fixing it!


I'd like to say I did, but I didn't yet 😁

Pretty sure I know what it is - a weird edge case that's quite dependent on browser window size/resolution. So if you do spot it again on a desktop computer, you should be able to work around it by changing the browser size slightly.

I am really struggling with the send/receive codes. I have logged nothing because the codes never work.

And I can't seem to remember to either write the code or click send. This is starting to feel like swap bot and postcrossing. In the other versions I never posted/replied/tracked. Somehow that ruins it for me.

@Mrs_Andrews I got mail where the user didn't click sent and the codes still work so you don't have to click it. I also wouldn't feel bad if you don't include the code if that's not what you want - sometimes just sending something is the right thing for you.

I'm using Chrome Version 123.0.6312.87 (Official Build) (x86_64) and when I sort by country, none of the countries after Switzerland shows up. I changed browser size and nothing has changed. The function works fine with Safari.

Came here to add that I'm unable to see countries past Sweden.

Using Firefox on mobile, I only get to Russia

Using Firefox on mobile, I only get to Russia

Hi all, I've made a teensy change which might help - let me know if it's any better now?

Yes! It works! At least for me, I see loads of US members by now down to members starting with a Y and I guess there isn't anyone registered from Vanatu or so.