Is there a possibility to sort the sent list by the sent or registration date instead of the creation date?

And can you make an option to only show mail which has been registered or still is within twelve weeks after the sent date?

Sorting by the different dates would also be great for the list of received mail!

Hi Lena! 👋

I've added this to the backlog. I know some of you S2ers probably have quite long lists by now!!

ooooh just saw that you can now sort from newest to oldest! thanks! is the hiding sends in the works as well? I admit to liking checked off to-do-lists and the sends where there's no received date (and possibly never will be due to inactivity) bother me a bit.

OMG Lena you're too fast, I was literally just writing the forum post to announce the feature. I literally only deployed it 5 minutes ago.

I'll think about the best way to hide "moribund" sends.

Haha I just happened to be lucky enough with the created send right now, the earlier send was still under the old list. Thanks anyways!